Maternal CausesOf Perinatal Morbidity And Mortality ICD 9 Codes(760-763)

Includes:    conditions which have their origin in the perinatal period, before birth through the first 28 days after birth, even though death or morbidity occurs later
Use additional code(s) to further specify condition
760       Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions which may be unrelated to present pregnancy
Includes:     the listed maternal conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality or morbidity of the fetus or newborn
Excludes:    maternal endocrine and metabolic disorders affecting fetus or newborn (775.0-775.9)
760.0    Maternal hypertensive disorders
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to 642
760.1    Maternal renal and urinary tract diseases
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to 580-599
760.2    Maternal infections
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal infectious disease classifiable to 001-136 and 487, but fetus or newborn not manifesting that disease
Excludes: congenital infectious diseases (771.0-771.8)
maternal genital tract and other localized infections (760.8)
760.3    Other chronic maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases
Fetus or newborn affected by chronic maternal conditions classifiable to 390-459, 490-519, 745-748
760.4    Maternal nutritional disorders
Fetus or newborn affected by:
maternal disorders classifiable to 260-269
maternal malnutrition NOS
Excludes: fetal malnutrition (764.10-764.29)
760.5    Maternal injury
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to 800-995
760.6    Surgical operation on mother and fetus
Excludes: cesarean section for present delivery (763.4)
damage to placenta from amniocentesis, cesarean section, or surgical induction (762.1)
760.61  Newborn affected by amniocentesis
Excludes: fetal complications from amniocentesis (679.1)
760.62  Newborn affected by other in utero procedure
Excludes: fetal complications of in utero procedure (679.1)
760.63  Newborn affected by other surgical operations on mother during pregnancy
Excludes: newborn affected by previous surgical procedure on mother not associated with pregnancy (760.64)
760.64  Newborn affected by previous surgical procedure on mother not associated with pregnancy
760.7    Noxious influences affecting fetus or newborn via placenta or breast milk
Fetus or newborn affected by noxious substance transmitted via placenta or breast milk
Excludes: anesthetic and analgesic drugs administered during labor and delivery (763.5)
drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn (779.5)
760.70  Unspecified noxious substance
Fetus or newborn affected by:
Drug NEC
760.71  Alcohol
Fetal alcohol syndrome
760.72  Narcotics
760.73  Hallucinogenic agents
760.74  Anti-infectives
760.75  Cocaine
760.76  Diethylstilbestrol [DES]
760.77  Anticonvulsants
Valproic acid
760.78  Antimetabolic agents
Retinoic acid
760.79  Other
Fetus or newborn affected by:
immune sera transmitted via placenta or breast milk
medicinal agents NEC transmitted via placenta or breast milk
toxic substance NEC transmitted via placenta or breast milk
760.8    Other specified maternal conditions affecting fetus or newborn
Maternal genital tract and other localized infection affecting fetus or newborn, but fetus or newborn not manifesting that disease
Excludes: maternal urinary tract infection affecting fetus or newborn (760.1)
760.9    Unspecified maternal condition affecting fetus or newborn
761       Fetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy    (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Includes:     the listed maternal conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality or morbidity of the fetus or newborn
761.0    Incompetent cervix
761.1    Premature rupture of membranes
761.2    Oligohydramnios
Excludes: that due to premature rupture of membranes (761.1)
761.3    Polyhydramnios
Hydramnios (acute) (chronic)
761.4    Ectopic pregnancy
761.5    Multiple pregnancy
Triplet (pregnancy)
Twin (pregnancy)
761.6    Maternal death
761.7    Malpresentation before labor
Breech presentation before labor
External version before labor
Oblique lie before labor
Transverse lie before labor
Unstable lie before labor
761.8    Other specified maternal complications of pregnancy affecting fetus or newborn
Spontaneous abortion, fetus
761.9    Unspecified maternal complication of pregnancy affecting fetus or newborn
762       Fetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord, and membranes   (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Includes:     the listed maternal conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality or morbidity in the fetus or newborn
762.0    Placenta previa
762.1    Other forms of placental separation and hemorrhage
Abruptio placentae
Antepartum hemorrhage
Damage to placenta from amniocentesis, cesarean section, or surgical induction
Maternal blood loss
Premature separation of placenta
Rupture of marginal sinus
762.2    Other and unspecified morphological and functional abnormalities of placenta
762.3    Placental transfusion syndromes
Placental and cord abnormality resulting in twin-to-twin or other transplacental transfusion
Use additional code to indicate resultant condition in newborn:
fetal blood loss (772.0)
polycythemia neonatorum (776.4)
762.4    Prolapsed cord
Cord presentation
762.5    Other compression of umbilical cord
Cord around neck
Entanglement of cord
Knot in cord
Torsion of cord
762.6    Other and unspecified conditions of umbilical cord
Short cord
Thrombosis of umbilical cord
Varices of umbilical cord
Velamentous insertion of umbilical cord
Vasa previa
Excludes: infection of umbilical cord (771.4)
single umbilical artery (747.5)
762.7    Chorioamnionitis
762.8    Other specified abnormalities of chorion and amnion
762.9    Unspecified abnormality of chorion and amnion
763       Fetus or newborn affected by other complications of labor and delivery   (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Includes:     the listed conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality or morbidity in the fetus or newborn
Excludes:    newborn affected by surgical procedures on mother (760.61-760.64)
763.0    Breech delivery and extraction
763.1    Other malpresentation, malposition, and disproportion during labor and delivery
Fetus or newborn affected by:
abnormality of bony pelvis
contracted pelvis
persistent occipitoposterior position
shoulder presentation
transverse lie
conditions classifiable to 652, 653, and 660
763.2    Forceps delivery
Fetus or newborn affected by forceps extraction
763.3    Delivery by vacuum extractor
763.4    Cesarean delivery
Excludes: placental separation or hemorrhage from cesarean section (762.1)
763.5    Maternal anesthesia and analgesia
Reactions and intoxications from maternal opiates and tranquilizers during labor and delivery
Excludes: drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn (779.5)
763.6    Precipitate delivery
Rapid second stage
763.7    Abnormal uterine contractions
Fetus or newborn affected by:
contraction ring
hypertonic labor
hypotonic uterine dysfunction
uterine inertia or dysfunction
conditions classifiable to 661, except 661.3
763.8    Other specified complications of labor and delivery affecting fetus or newborn
763.81  Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm before the onset of labor
763.82  Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm during labor
763.83  Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm, unspecified as to time of onset
763.84  Meconium passage during delivery
Excludes: meconium aspiration (770.11, 770.12)
meconium staining (779.84)
763.89  Other specified complications of labor and delivery affecting fetus or newborn
Fetus or newborn affected by:
abnormality of maternal soft tissues
destructive operation on live fetus to facilitate delivery
induction of labor (medical)
other conditions classifiable to 650-669
other procedures used in labor and delivery
763.9    Unspecified complication of labor and delivery affecting fetus or newborn

  (ICD 9 CM Codes)

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