Normal Delivery, and Other Indications For Care in Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery ICD 9 Codes (650-659)

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 651-659 to denote the current episode of care:
0 unspecified as to episode of care or not applicable
1 delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition
2 delivered, with mention of postpartum complication
3 antepartum condition or complication
4 postpartum condition or complication
650       Normal delivery     (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Delivery requiring minimal or no assistance, with or without episiotomy, without fetal manipulation [e.g., rotation version] or instrumentation [forceps] of a spontaneous, cephalic, vaginal, full-term, single, live-born infant.  This code is for use as a single diagnosis code and is not to be used with any other code in the range 630-676.
Use additional code to indicate outcome of delivery (V27.0)
Excludes:    breech delivery (assisted) (spontaneous) NOS (652.2)
delivery by vacuum extractor, forceps, cesarean section, or breech extraction, without specified complication (669.5-669.7)
651       Multiple gestation      (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Use additional code to specify placenta status (V91.00-V91.99)
Excludes: fetal conjoined twins (678.1)
651.0    Twin pregnancy
Excludes: fetal conjoined twins (678.1)
651.1    Triplet pregnancy
651.2    Quadruplet pregnancy
651.3    Twin pregnancy with fetal loss and retention of one fetus
651.4    Triplet pregnancy with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es)
651.5    Quadruplet pregnancy with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es)
651.6    Other multiple pregnancy with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es)
651.7    Multiple gestation following (elective) fetal reduction
Fetal reduction of multiple fetuses reduced to single fetus
651.8    Other specified multiple gestation
651.9    Unspecified multiple gestation
652       Malposition and malpresentation of fetus       (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Code first any associated obstructed labor (660.0)
652.0    Unstable lie
652.1    Breech or other malpresentation successfully converted to cephalic presentation
Cephalic version NOS
652.2    Breech presentation without mention of version
Breech delivery (assisted) (spontaneous) NOS
Buttocks presentation
Complete breech
Frank breech
Excludes: footling presentation (652.8)
incomplete breech (652.8)
652.3    Transverse or oblique presentation
Oblique lie
Transverse lie
Excludes: transverse arrest of fetal head (660.3)
652.4    Face or brow presentation
Mentum presentation
652.5    High head at term
Failure of head to enter pelvic brim
652.6    Multiple gestation with malpresentation of one fetus or more
652.7    Prolapsed arm
652.8    Other specified malposition or malpresentation
Compound presentation
652.9    Unspecified malposition or malpresentation
653       Disproportion         (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Code first any associated obstructed labor (660.1)
653.0    Major abnormality of bony pelvis, not further specified
Pelvic deformity NOS
653.1    Generally contracted pelvis
Contracted pelvis NOS
653.2    Inlet contraction of pelvis
Inlet contraction (pelvis)
653.3    Outlet contraction of pelvis
Outlet contraction (pelvis)
653.4    Fetopelvic disproportion
Cephalopelvic disproportion NOS
Disproportion of mixed maternal and fetal origin, with normally formed fetus
653.5    Unusually large fetus causing disproportion
Disproportion of fetal origin with normally formed fetus
Fetal disproportion NOS
Excludes: that when the reason for medical care was concern for the fetus (656.6)
653.6    Hydrocephalic fetus causing disproportion
Excludes: that when the reason for medical care was concern for the fetus (655.0)
653.7    Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion
sacral teratoma
Excludes: conjoined twins causing disproportion (678.1)
653.8    Disproportion of other origin
Excludes: shoulder (girdle) dystocia (660.4)
653.9    Unspecified disproportion
654       Abnormality of organs and soft tissues of pelvis   (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Includes:     the listed conditions during pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
Code first any associated obstructed labor (660.2)
Excludes:    trauma to perineum and vulva complicating current delivery (664.0-664.9)
654.0    Congenital abnormalities of uterus
Double uterus
Uterus bicornis
654.1    Tumors of body of uterus
Uterine fibroids
654.2    Previous cesarean delivery
Uterine scar from previous cesarean delivery
654.3    Retroverted and incarcerated gravid uterus
654.4    Other abnormalities in shape or position of gravid uterus and of neighboring structures
Pelvic floor repair
Pendulous abdomen
Prolapse of gravid uterus
Rigid pelvic floor
654.5    Cervical incompetence
Presence of Shirodkar suture with or without mention of cervical incompetence
654.6    Other congenital or acquired abnormality of cervix
Cicatricial cervix
Polyp of cervix
Previous surgery to cervix
Rigid cervix (uteri)
Stenosis or stricture of cervix
Tumor of cervix
654.7    Congenital or acquired abnormality of vagina
Previous surgery to vagina
Septate vagina
Stenosis of vagina (acquired) (congenital)
Sricture of vagina
Tumor of vagina
654.8    Congenital or acquired abnormality of vulva
Anal sphincter tear (healed) (old) complicating delivery
Fibrosis of perineum
Persistent hymen
Previous surgery to perineum or vulva
Rigid perineum
Tumor of vulva
Excludes: anal sphincter tear (healed) (old) not associated with delivery (569.43)
varicose veins of vulva (671.1)
654.9    Other and unspecified
Uterine scar NEC
655       Known or suspected fetal abnormality affecting management of mother  (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Includes:     the listed conditions in the fetus as a reason for observation or obstetrical care of the mother, or for termination of pregnancy
655.0    Central nervous system malformation in fetus
Fetal or suspected fetal:
spina bifida (with myelomeningocele)
655.1    Chromosomal abnormality in fetus
655.2    Hereditary disease in family possibly affecting fetus
655.3    Suspected damage to fetus from viral disease in the mother
Suspected damage to fetus from maternal rubella
655.4    Suspected damage to fetus from other disease in the mother
Suspected damage to fetus from maternal:
alcohol addiction
655.5    Suspected damage to fetus from drugs
655.6    Suspected damage to fetus from radiation
655.7    Decreased fetal movements
655.8    Other known or suspected fetal abnormality, not elsewhere classified
Suspected damage to fetus from:
environmental toxins
intrauterine contraceptive device
655.9    Unspecified
656       Other known or suspected fetal and placental problems affecting management of mother
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Excludes:    fetal hematologic conditions (678.0)
suspected placental problems not found (V89.02)
656.0    Fetal-maternal hemorrhage
Leakage (microscopic) of fetal blood into maternal circulation
656.1    Rhesus isoimmunization
Anti-D [Rh] antibodies
Rh incompatibility
656.2    Isoimmunization from other and unspecified blood-group incompatibility
ABO isoimmunization
656.3    Fetal distress
Fetal metabolic acidemia
Excludes: abnormal fetal acid-base balance (656.8)
abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm (659.7)
fetal bradycardia (659.7)
fetal tachycardia (659.7)
meconium in liquor (656.8)
656.4    Intrauterine death
Fetal death:
after completion of 22 weeks' gestation
Missed delivery
Excludes: missed abortion (632)
656.5    Poor fetal growth
"Placental insufficiency"
656.6    Excessive fetal growth
656.7    Other placental conditions
Abnormal placenta
Placental infarct
Excludes: placental polyp (674.4)
placentitis (658.4)
656.8    Other specified fetal and placental problems
Abnormal acid-base balance
Intrauterine acidosis
Meconium in liquor
Subchorionic hematoma
656.9    Unspecified fetal and placental problem
657       Polyhydramnios        (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Use 0 as fourth digit for category 657
Excludes:    suspected polyhydramnios not found (V89.01)
658       Other problems associated with amniotic cavity and membranes  (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
Excludes:    amniotic fluid embolism (673.1)
suspected problems with amniotic cavity and membranes not found (V89.01)
658.0    Oligohydramnios
Oligohydramnios without mention of rupture of membranes
658.1    Premature rupture of membranes
Rupture of amniotic sac less than 24 hours prior to the onset of labor
658.2    Delayed delivery after spontaneous or unspecified rupture of membranes
Prolonged rupture of membranes NOS
Rupture of amniotic sac 24 hours or more prior to the onset of labor
658.3    Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes
658.4    Infection of amniotic cavity
658.8    Other
Amnion nodosum
Amniotic cyst
658.9    Unspecified
659       Other indications for care or intervention related to labor and delivery, not elsewhere classified
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 650-659 for definitions.
659.0    Failed mechanical induction
Failure of induction of labor by surgical or other instrumental methods
659.1    Failed medical or unspecified induction
Failed induction NOS
Failure of induction of labor by medical methods, such as oxytocic drugs
659.2    Maternal pyrexia during labor, unspecified
659.3    Generalized infection during labor
Septicemia during labor
659.4    Grand multiparity
Excludes: supervision only, in pregnancy (V23.3)
without current pregnancy (V61.5)
659.5    Elderly primigravida
First pregnancy in a woman who will be 35 years of age or older at expected date of delivery
Excludes: supervision only, in pregnancy (V23.81)
659.6    Elderly multigravida
Second or more pregnancy in a woman who will be 35 years of age or older at expected date of delivery
Excludes: elderly primigravida (659.5)
supervision only, in pregnancy (V23.82)
659.7    Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm
[0, 1, 3]
Depressed fetal heart tones
Fetal heart rate decelerations
Non-reassuring fetal heart rate or rhythm
659.8    Other specified indications for care or intervention related to labor and delivery
Pregnancy in a female less than 16 years of age at expected date of delivery
Very young maternal age
659.9    Unspecified indication for care or intervention related to labor and delivery

(ICD 9 CM Codes)

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