Other Maternal And Fetal Complications ICD 9 Codes (678-679)

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 678-679 to denote the current episode of care:
0 unspecified as to episode of care or not applicable
1 delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition
2 delivered, with mention of postpartum complication
3 antepartum condition or complication
4 postpartum condition or complication
678       Other fetal conditions  (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see beginning of section 678-679 for definitions.
678.0    Fetal hematologic conditions
Fetal anemia
Fetal thrombocytopenia
Fetal twin to twin transfusion
Excludes: fetal and neonatal hemorrhage (772.0-772.9)
fetal hematologic disorders affecting newborn (776.0-776.9)
fetal-maternal hemorrhage (656.00-656.03)
isoimmunization incompatibility (656.10-656.13, 656.20-656.23)
678.1    Fetal conjoined twins
679       Complications of in utero procedures  (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] und er each code.  see beginning of section 678-679 for definitions.
679.0    Maternal complications from in utero procedure
Excludes: maternal history of in utero procedure during previous pregnancy (V23.86)
679.1    Fetal complications from in utero procedure
Fetal complications from amniocentesis
Excludes: newborn affected by in utero procedure (760.61-760.64)

(ICD 9 CM Codes)

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