Osteopathies, Chondropathies, and Acquired Musculoskeletal Deformities ICD 9 Codes (730-739)

730       Osteomyelitis, periostitis, and other infections involving bone  (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Excludes:    jaw (526.4-526.5)
petrous bone (383.2)
Use additional code to identify organism, such as Staphylococcus (041.1)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 730; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  see list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0 site unspecified
1 shoulder region
2 upper arm
3 forearm
4 hand
5 pelvic region and thigh
6 lower leg
7 ankle and foot
8 other specified sites
9 multiple sites
730.0    Acute osteomyelitis
Abscess of any bone except accessory sinus, jaw, or mastoid
Acute or subacute osteomyelitis, with or without mention of periostitis
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
730.1    Chronic osteomyelitis
Brodie's abscess
Chronic or old osteomyelitis, with or without mention of periostitis
Sclerosing osteomyelitis of Garré
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
Excludes: aseptic necrosis of bone (733.40-733.49)
730.2    Unspecified osteomyelitis
Osteitis or osteomyelitis NOS, with or without mention of periostitis
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
730.3    Periostitis without mention of ostemyelitis
Abscess of periosteum, without mention of osteomyelitis
Periostosis, without mention of osteomyelitis
Excludes: that in secondary syphilis (091.61)
730.7    Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis
Code first underlying disease (045.0-045.9)
730.8    Other infections involving bone in disease classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
tuberculosis (015.0-015.9)
typhoid fever (002.0)
Excludes: syphilitis of bone NOS (095.5)
730.9    Unspecified infection of bone
731       Osteitis deformans and osteopathies associated with other disorders classified elsewhere (ICD 9 CM Codes)
731.0    Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor
Paget's disease of bone
731.1    Osteitis deformans in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
malignant neoplasm of bone (170.0-170.9)
731.2    Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
Bamberger-Marie disease
731.3    Major osseous defects
Code first underlying disease, if known, such as:
aseptic necrosis (733.40-733.49)
malignant neoplasm of bone (170.0-170.9)
osteomyelitis (730.00-730.29)
osteoporosis (733.00-733.09)
peri-prosthetic osteolysis (996.45)
731.8    Other bone involvement in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
diabetes mellitus (249.8, 250.8)
Use additional code to specify bone condition, such as:
acute osteomyelitis (730.00-730.09)
732       Osteochondropathies           (ICD 9 CM Codes)
732.0    Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine
Juvenile osteochondrosis (of):
marginal  or vertebral ephiphysis (of Scheurermann) spine NOS
Vertebral epiphysitis
Excludes: adolescent postural kyphosis (737.0)
732.1    Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis
Coxa plana
Ischiopubic synchondrosis (of van Neck)
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
head of femur (of Legg-Calvé-Perthes)
iliac crest (of Buchanan)
symphysis pubis (of Pierson)
732.2    Nontraumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis NOS
732.3    Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
capitulum of humerus (of Panner)
carpal lunate (of Kienbock)
hand NOS
head of humerus (of Haas)
heads of metacarpas (of Mauclaire)
lower ulna (of Burns)
radial head (of Brailsford)
upper extremity NOS
732.4    Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity, excluding foot
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
lower extremity NOS
primary patellar center (of Köhler)
proximal tibia (of Blount)
secondary patellar center (of Sinding-Larsen)
tibial tubercle (of Osgood-Schlatter)
Tibia vara
732.5    Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot
Calcaneal apophysitis
Epiphysitis, os calcis
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
astragalus (of Diaz)
calcaneum (of Sever)
foot NOS
second (of Freilberg)
fifth (of Iselin)
os tibiale externum (of Haglund)
tarsal navicular (of Köhler)
732.6    Other juvenile osteochondrosis
Apophysitis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
Epiphysitis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
Osteochondritis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
Osteochondrosis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
732.7    Osteochondritis dissecans
732.8    Other specified forms of osteochondropathy
Adult osteochondrosis of spine
732.9    Unspecified osteochondropathy
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
733       Other disorders of bone and cartilage          (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Excludes:    bone spur (726.91)
cartilage of, or loose body in, joint (717.0-717.9, 718.0-718.9)
giant cell granuloma of jaw (526.3)
osteitis fibrosa cystica generalisata (252.01)
osteomalacia (268.2)
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone (756.54)
prognathism, retrognathism (524.1)
xanthomatosis localized to bone (272.7)
733.0    Osteoporosis
Use additional code to identify:
major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
personal history of pathologic (healed) fracture (V13.51)
733.00  Osteoporosis, unspecified
Wedging of vertebra NOS
733.01  Senile osteoporosis
Postmenopausal osteoporosis
733.02  Idiopathic osteoporosis
733.03  Disuse osteoporosis
733.09  Other
Drug-induced osteoporosis
Use additional E code to identify drug
733.1    Pathologic fracture
Chronic fracture
Spontaneous fracture
Excludes: stress fracture (733.93-733.95)
traumatic fractures (800-829)
733.10  Pathologic fracture, unspecified site
733.11  Pathologic fracture of humerus
733.12  Pathologic fracture of distal radius and ulna
Wrist NOS
733.13  Pathologic fracture of vertebrae
Collapse of vertebra NOS
733.14  Pathologic fracture of neck of femur
Femur NOS
733.15  Pathologic fracture of other specified part of femur
733.16  Pathologic fracture of tibia and fibula
Ankle NOS
733.19  Pathologic fracture of other specified site
733.2    Cyst of bone
733.20  Cyst of bone (localized), unspecified
733.21  Solitary bone cyst
Unicameral bone cyst
733.22  Aneurysmal bone cyst
733.29  Other
Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic)
Excludes: cyst of jaw (526.0-526.2, 526.89)
osteitis fibrosa cystica (252.01)
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone (756.54)
733.3    Hyperostosis of skull
Hyperostosis interna frontalis
Leontiasis ossium
733.4    Aseptic necrosis of bone
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
Excludes: osteochondropathies (732.0-732.9)
733.40  Aseptic necrosis of bone, site unspecified
733.41  Head of humerus
733.42  Head and neck of femur
Femur NOS
Excludes: Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (732.1)
733.43  Medial femoral condyle
733.44  Talus
733.45  Jaw
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Excludes: osteoradionecrosis of jaw (526.89)
733.49  Other
733.5    Osteitis condensans
Piriform sclerosis of ilium
733.6    Tietze's disease
Costochondral junction syndrome
733.7    Algoneurodystrophy
Disuse atrophy of bone
Sudeck's atrophy
733.8    Malunion and nonunion of fracture
733.81  Malunion of fracture
733.82  Nonunion of fracture
Pseudoarthrosis (bone)
733.9    Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage
733.90  Disorder of bone and cartilage, unspecified
733.91  Arrest of bone development or growth
Epiphyseal arrest
733.92  Chondromalacia
localized, except patella
tibial plateau
Excludes: chondromalacia of patella (717.7)
733.93  Stress fracture of tibia or fibula
Stress reaction of tibia or fibula
Use additional external cause code(s) to identify the cause of the stress fracture
733.94  Stress fracture of the metatarsals
Stress reaction of metatarsals
Use additional external cause code(s) to identify the cause of the stress fracture
733.95  Stress fracture of other bone
Stress reaction of other bone
Use additional external cause code(s) to identify the cause of the stress fracture
Excludes: stress fracture of:
femoral neck (733.96)
fibula (733.93)
metatarsals (733.94)
pelvis (733.98)
shaft of femur (733.97)
tibia (733.93)
733.96  Stress fracture of femoral neck
Stress reaction of femoral neck
Use additional external cause code(s) to identify the cause of the stress fracture
733.97  Stress fracture of shaft of femur
Stress reaction of shaft of femur
Use additional external cause code(s) to identify the cause of the stress fracture
733.98  Stress fracture of pelvis
Stress reaction of pelvis
Use additional external cause code(s) to identify the cause of the stress fracture
733.99  Other
Hypertrophy of bone
Relapsing polychondritis
734       Flat foot            (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Pes planus (acquired)
Talipes planus (acquired)
Excludes:    congenital (754.61)
rigid flat foot (754.61)
spastic (everted) flat foot (754.61)
735       Acquired deformities of toe              (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Excludes:    congenital (754.60-754.69, 755.65-755.66)
735.0    Hallux valgus (acquired)
735.1    Hallux varus (acquired)
735.2    Hallux rigidus
735.3    Hallux malleus
735.4    Other hammer toe (acquired)
735.5    Claw toe (acquired)
735.8    Other acquired deformities of toe
735.9    Unspecified acquired deformity of toe
736       Other acquired deformities of limbs       (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Excludes:    congenital (754.3-755.9)
736.0    Acquired deformities of forearm, excluding fingers
736.00  Unspecified deformity
Deformity of elbow, forearm, hand, or wrist (acquired) NOS
736.01  Cubitus valgus (acquired)
736.02  Cubitus varus (acquired)
736.03  Valgus deformity of wrist (acquired)
736.04  Varus deformity of wrist (acquired)
736.05  Wrist drop (acquired)
736.06  Claw hand (acquired)
736.07  Club hand (acquired)
736.09  Other
736.1    Mallet finger
736.2    Other acquired deformities of finger
736.20  Unspecified deformity
Deformity of finger (acquired) NOS
736.21  Boutonniere deformity
736.22  Swan-neck deformity
736.29  Other
Excludes: trigger finger (727.03)
736.3    Acquired deformities of hip
736.30  Unspecified deformity
Deformity of hip (acquired) NOS
736.31  Coxa valga (acquired)
736.32  Coxa vara (acquired)
736.39  Other
736.4    Genu valgum or varum (acquired)
736.41  Genu valgum (acquired)
736.42  Genu varum (acquired)
736.5    Genu recurvatum (acquired)
736.6    Other acquired deformities of knee
Deformity of knee (acquired) NOS
736.7    Other acquired deformities of ankle and foot
Excludes: deformities of toe (acquired) (735.0-735.9)
pes planu (acquired) (734)
736.70  Unspecified deformity of ankle and foot, acquired
736.71  Acquired equinovarus deformity
Clubfoot, acquired
Excludes: clubfoot not specified as acquired (754.5-754.7)
736.72  Equinus deformity of foot, acquired
736.73  Cavus deformity of foot
Excludes: that with claw foot (736.74)
736.74  Claw foot, acquired
736.75  Cavovarus deformity of foot, acquired
736.76  Other calcaneus deformity
736.79  Other
pes not elsewhere classified
talipes not elsewhere classified
736.8    Acquired deformities of other parts of limbs
736.81  Unequal leg length (acquired)
736.89  Other
Deformity (acquired):
arm or leg, not elsewhere classified
736.9    Acquired deformity of limb, site unspecified
737       Curvature of spine          (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Excludes:    congenital (754.2)
737.0    Adolescent postural kyphosis
Excludes: osteochondrosis of spine (juvenile) (732.0)
adult (732.8)
737.1    Kyphosis (acquired)
737.10  Kyphosis (acquired) (postural)
737.11  Kyphosis due to radiation
737.12  Kyphosis, postlaminectomy
737.19  Other
Excludes: that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.41)
737.2    Lordosis (acquired)
737.20  Lordosis (acquired) (postural)
737.21  Lordosis, postlaminectomy
737.22  Other postsurgical lordosis
737.29  Other
Excludes: that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.42)
737.3    Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis
737.30  Scoliosis [and kyphoscoliosis], idiopathic
737.31  Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis
737.32  Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis
737.33  Scoliosis due to radiation
737.34  Thoracogenic scoliosis
737.39  Other
Excludes: that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.43)
that in kyphoscoliotic heart disease (416.1)
737.4    Curvature of spine associated with other conditions
Code first associated condition, as:
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (356.1)
mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)
neurofibromatosis (237.70-237.79)
osteitis deformans (731.0)
osteitis fibrosa cystica (252.01)
osteoporosis (733.00-733.09)
poliomyelitis (138)
tuberculosis [Pott's curvature] (015.0)
737.40  Curvature of spine, unspecified
737.41  Kyphosis
737.42  Lordosis
737.43  Scoliosis
737.8    Other curvatures of spine
737.9    Unspecified curvature of spine
Curvature of spine (acquired) (idiopathic) NOS
Hunchback, acquired
Excludes: deformity of spine NOS (738.5)
738       Other acquired deformity               (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Excludes:    congenital (754.0-756.9, 758.0-759.9)
dentofacial anomalies (524.0-524.9)
738.0    Acquired deformity of nose
Deformity of nose (acquired)
Overdevelopment of nasal bones
Excludes: deflected of deviated nasal septum (470)
738.1    Other acquired deformity of head
738.10  Unspecified deformity
738.11  Zygomatic hyperplasia
738.12  Zygomatic hypoplasia
738.19  Other specified deformity
738.2    Acquired deformity of neck
738.3    Acquired deformity of chest and rib
chest (acquired)
rib (acquired)
carinatum, acquired
excavatum, acquired
738.4    Acquired spondylolisthesis
Degenerative spondylolisthesis
Spondylolysis, acquired
Excludes: congenital (756.12)
738.5    Other acquired deformity of back or spine
Deformity of spine NOS
Excludes: curvature of spine (737.0-737.9)
738.6    Acquired deformity of pelvis
Pelvic obliquity
Excludes: intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum (718.6)
that in relation to labor and delivery (653.0-653.4, 653.8-653.9)
738.7    Cauliflower ear
738.8    Acquired deformity of other specified site
Deformity of clavicle
738.9    Acquired deformity of unspecified site
739       Nonallopathic lesions, not elsewhere classified           (ICD 9 CM Codes)
Includes:     segmental dysfunction
somatic dysfunction
739.0    Head region
Occipitocervical region
739.1    Cervical region
Cervicothoracic region
739.2    Thoracic region
Thoracolumbar region
739.3    Lumbar region
Lumbosacral region
739.4    Sacral region
Sacrococcygeal region
Sacroiliac region
739.5    Pelvic region
Hip region
Pubic region
739.6    Lower extremities
739.7    Upper extremities
Acromioclavicular region
Sternoclavicular region
739.8    Rib cage
Costochondral region
Costovertebral region
Sternochondral region
739.9    Abdomen and other

(ICD 9 CM Codes)

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