Excludes: hepatolenticular degeneration (275.1)
multiple sclerosis (340)
other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system (341.0-341.9)
Use additional code to identify associated intellectual disabilities
Krabbe's disease
globoid cell
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
Sulfatide lipidosis
Amaurotic (familial) idiocy
Code first underlying disease, as:
Fabry's disease (272.7)
Gaucher's disease (272.7)
Niemann-Pick disease (272.7)
sphingolipidosis (272.7)
Code first underlying disease, as:
Hunter's disease (277.5)
mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)
Alpers' disease or gray-matter degeneration
Infantile necrotizing encephalomyelopathy
Leigh's disease
Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy or encephalomyelopathy
Use additional code, where applicable, to identify dementia:
with behavioral disturbance (294.11)
without behavioral disturbance (294.10)
Frontal dementia
Excludes: senility NOS (797)
Secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus
Excludes: congenital hydrocephalus (742.3)
idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (331.5)
normal pressure hydrocephalus (331.5)
spina bifida with hydrocephalus (741.0)
Acquired hydrocephalus NOS
Excludes: congenital hydrocephalus (742.3)
idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (331.5)
normal pressure hydrocephalus (331.5)
spina bifida with hydrocephalus (741.0)
Normal pressure hydrocephalus NOS
Excludes: congenital hydrocephalus (742.3)
secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus (331.3)
spina bifida with hydrocephalus (741.0)
Code first underlying disease, as:
alcoholism (303.0-303.9)
beriberi (265.0)
cerebrovascular disease (430-438)
congenital hydrocephalus (741.0, 742.3)
neoplastic disease (140.0-239.9)
myxedema (244.0-244.9)
vitamin B12 deficiency (266.2)
Excludes: cerebral degeneration in:
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (046.11-046.19)
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (046.3)
subacute spongiform encephalopathy (046.1)
Dementia with Parkinsonism
Lewy body dementia
Lewy body disease
Excludes: altered mental status (780.97)
cerebral degeneration (331.0-331.9)
change in mental status (780.97)
cognitive deficits following (late effects of) cerebral hemorrhage or infarction (438.0)
cognitive impairment due to intracranial or head injury (850-854, 959.01)
cognitive impairment due to late effect of intracranial injury (907.0)
cognitive impairment due to skull fracture (800-801, 803-804)
dementia (290.0-290.43, 294.20-294.21)
mild memory disturbance (310.89)
neurologic neglect syndrome (781.8)
personality change, nonpsychotic (310.1)
Cerebral ataxia
Excludes: dementia with Parkinsonism (331.82)
Parkinsonism or Parkinson's disease:
Neuroleptic-induced Parkinsonism
Parkinsonism due to drugs
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Excludes: Parkinsonism (in):
Huntington's disease (333.4)
progressive supranuclear palsy (333.0)
Shy-Drager syndrome (333.0)
syphilitic (094.82)
Includes: other forms of extrapyramidal, basal ganglia, or striatopallidal disease
Excludes: abnormal movements of head NOS (781.0)
sleep related movement disorders (327.51-327.59)
Atrophy or degeneration:
olivopontocerebellar [Déjérine-Thomas syndrome]
pigmentary pallidal [Hallervorden-Spatz disease] striatonigral
Parkinsonian syndrome associated with:
idiopathic orthostatic hypotension
symptomatic orthostatic hypotension
Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia
Shy-Drager syndrome
Benign essential tremor
Familial tremor
Medication-induced postural tremor
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Excludes: tremor NOS (781.0)
Familial essential myoclonus
Palatal myoclonus
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Excludes: Progressive myoclonic epilepsy (345.1)
Unverricht-Lundborg disease (345.1)
Excludes: Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (307.23)
habit spasm (307.22)
tic NOS (307.20)
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Paroxysmal choreo-athetosis
Excludes: Sydenham's or rheumatic chorea (392.0-392.9)
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
deformans progressiva
musculorum deformans
(Schwalbe-) Ziehen-Oppenheim disease
Double athetosis (syndrome)
Vogt's disease
Excludes: infantile cerebral palsy (343.0-343.9)
Acute dystonic reaction due to drugs
Neuroleptic-induced acute dystonia
Use additional E code to identify drug
Excludes: blepharospasm due to drugs (333.85)
orofacial dyskinesia due to drugs (333.85)
secondary Parkinsonism (332.1)
subacute dyskinesia due to drugs (333.85)
tardive dyskinesia (333.85)
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Excludes: blepharospasm due to drugs (333.85)
Excludes: orofacial dyskinesia due to drugs (333.85)
Excludes: torticollis:
NOS (723.5)
hysterical (300.11)
psychogenic (306.0)
Excludes: psychogenic (300.89)
Blepharospasm due to drugs
Orofacial dyskinesia due to drugs
Tardive dyskinesia
Use additional E code to identify drug
Excludes: acute dystonia due to drugs (333.72)
acute dystonic reaction due to drugs (333.72)
secondary Parkinsonism (332.1)
Medication-induced movement disorders NOS
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Use additional E to identify drug
Excludes: neuroleptic induced Parkinsonism (332.1)
Neuroleptic-induced acute akathisia
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Excludes: olivopontocerebellar degeneration (333.0)
peroneal muscular atrophy (356.1)
Cerebellar ataxia:
Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica
Primary cerebellar degeneration:
Cerebellar ataxia NOS
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Code first underlying disease, as:
alcoholism (303.0-303.9)
myxedema (244.0-244.9)
neoplastic disease (140.0-239.9)
Ataxia-telangiectasia [Louis-Bar syndrome]
Corticostriatal-spinal degeneration
Infantile spinal muscular atrophy
Progressive muscular atrophy of infancy
Spinal muscular atrophy:
Adult spinal muscular atrophy
Motor neuron disease (bulbar) (mixed type)
Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy
Progressive muscular atrophy (pure)
Acute infarction of spinal cord (embolic) (nonembolic)
Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord
Edema of spinal cord
Subacute necrotic myelopathy
Code first underlying disease, as:
pernicious anemia (281.0)
other vitamin B12 deficiency anemia (281.1)
vitamin B12 deficiency (266.2)
Code first underlying disease, as:
myelopathy in neoplastic disease (140.0-239.9)
Excludes: myelopathy in:
intervertebral disc disorder (722.70-722.73)
spondylosis (721.1, 721.41-721.42, 721.91)
Use additional E code to identify cause
Cord compression NOS
Myelopathy NOS
Excludes: myelitis (323.02, 323.1, 323.2, 323.42, 323.52, 323.63, 323.72, 323.82, 323.9)
spinal (canal) stenosis (723.0, 724.00-724.09)
Includes: disorders of peripheral autonomic, sympathetic, parasympathetic, or vegetative system
Excludes: familial dysautonomia [Riley-Day syndrome] (742.8)
Carotid sinus syncope
Cervical sympathetic dystrophy or paralysis
Code first underlying disease, as:
amyloidosis (277.30-277.39)
diabetes (249.6, 250.6)
Complex regional pain syndrome type I, unspecified
Complex regional pain syndrome type I of the upper limb
Complex regional pain syndrome type I of the lower limb
Complex regional pain syndrome type I of other specified site
Use additional code to identify the cause, such as:
fecal impaction (560.32)
pressure ulcer (707.00-707.09)
urinary tract infection (599.0)
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