Other Psychoses ICD 9 Codes (295-299)

Use additional code to identify any associated physical disease, injury, or condition affecting the brain with psychoses classifiable to 295-298
295       Schizophrenic disorders
Includes:     schizophrenia of the types described in 295.0-295.9 occurring in children
Excludes:    childhood type schizophrenia (299.9)
infantile autism (299.0)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 295:
0 unspecified
1 subchronic
2 chronic
3 subchronic with acute exacerbation
4 chronic with acute exacerbation
5 in remission
295.0    Simple type
Schizophrenia simplex
Excludes: latent schizophrenia (295.5)
295.1    Disorganized type
Hebephrenic type schizophrenia
295.2    Catatonic type
Catatonic (schizophrenia):
excited type
withdrawn type
flexibilitas cerea
295.3    Paranoid type
Paraphrenic schizophrenia
Excludes: involutional paranoid state (297.2)
paranoia (297.1)
paraphrenia (297.2)
295.4    Schizophreniform disorder
psychosis, confusional type
Excludes: acute forms of schizophrenia of:
catatonic type (295.2)
hebephrenic type (295.1)
paranoid type (295.3)
simple type (295.0)
undifferentiated type (295.8)
295.5    Latent schizophrenia
Latent schizophrenic reaction
Excludes: schizoid personality (301.20-301.22)
295.6    Residual type
Chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia
Restzustand (schizophrenic)
Schizophrenic residual state
295.7    Schizoaffective disorder
Cyclic schizophrenia
Mixed schizophrenic and affective psychosis
Schizo-affective psychosis
Schizophreniform psychosis, affective type
295.8    Other specified types of schizophrenia
Acute (undifferentiated) schizophrenia
Atypical schizophrenia
Cenesthopathic schizophrenia
Excludes: infantile autism (299.0)
295.9    Unspecified schizophrenia
mixed NOS
undifferentiated NOS
undifferentiated type
Schizophrenic reaction NOS
Schizophreniform psychosis NOS
296       Episodic mood disorders
Includes:     episodic affective disorders
Excludes:    neurotic depression (300.4)
reactive depressive psychosis (298.0)
reactive excitation (298.1)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 296.0-296.6:
0 unspecified
1 mild
2 moderate
3 severe, without mention of psychotic behavior
4 severe, specified as with psychotic behavior
5 in partial or unspecified remission
6 in full remission
296.0    Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode
Hypomania (mild) NOS single episode or unspecified
Hypomanic psychosis single episode or unspecified
Mania (monopolar) NOS single episode or unspecified
Manic-depressive psychosis or reaction, single episode or unspecified:
hypomanic, single episode or unspecified
manic, single episode or unspecified
Excludes: circular type, if there was a previous attack of depression (296.4)
296.1    Manic disorder, recurrent episode
Any condition classifiable to 296.0, stated to be recurrent
Excludes: circular type, if there was a previous attack of depression (296.4)
296.2    Major depressive disorder, single episode
Depressive psychosis, single episode or unspecified
Endogenous depression, single episode or unspecified
Involutional melancholia, single episode or unspecified
Manic-depressive psychosis or reaction, depressed type, single episode or unspecified
Monopolar depression, single episode or unspecified
Psychotic depression, single episode or unspecified
Excludes: circular type, if previous attack was of manic type (296.5)
depression NOS (311)
reactive depression (neurotic) (300.4)
psychotic (298.0)
296.3    Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode
Any condition classifiable to 296.2, stated to be recurrent
Excludes: circular type, if previous attack was of manic type (296.5)
depression NOS (311)
reactive depression (neurotic) (300.4)
psychotic (298.0)
296.4    Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode (or current) manic
Bipolar disorder, now manic
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently manic
Excludes: brief compensatory or rebound mood swings (296.99)
296.5    Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode (or current) depressed
Bipolar disorder, now depressed
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently depressed
Excludes: brief compensatory or rebound mood swings (296.99)
296.6    Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode (or current) mixed
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, mixed
296.7    Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode (or current) unspecified
Atypical bipolar affective disorder NOS
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, current condition not specified as either manic or depressive
296.8    Other and unspecified bipolar disorders
296.80  Bipolar disorder, unspecified
Bipolar disorder NOS
reaction NOS
syndrome NOS
296.81  Atypical manic disorder
296.82  Atypical depressive disorder
296.89  Other
Bipolar II disorder
Manic-depressive psychosis, mixed type
296.9    Other and unspecified episodic mood disorder
Excludes: psychogenic affective psychoses (298.0-298.8)
296.90  Unspecified episodic mood disorder
Affective psychosis NOS
Melancholia NOS
Mood disorder NOS
296.99  Other specified episodic mood disorder
Mood swings:
brief compensatory
297       Delusional disorders
Includes:     paranoid disorders
Excludes:    acute paranoid reaction (298.3)
alcoholic jealousy or paranoid state (291.5)
paranoid schizophrenia (295.3)
297.0    Paranoid state, simple
297.1    Delusional disorder
Chronic paranoid psychosis
Sander's disease
Systematized delusions
Excludes: paranoid personality disorder (301.0)
297.2    Paraphrenia
Involutional paranoid state
Late paraphrenia
Paraphrenia (involutional)
297.3    Shared psychotic disorder
Folie … deux
Induced psychosis or paranoid disorder
297.8    Other specified paranoid states
Paranoia querulans
Sensitiver Beziehungswahn
Excludes: acute paranoid reaction or state (298.3)
senile paranoid state (290.20)
297.9    Unspecified paranoid state
disorder NOS
psychosis NOS
reaction NOS
state NOS
298       Other nonorganic psychoses
Includes:     psychotic conditions due to or provoked by:
emotional stress
environmental factors as major part of etiology
298.0    Depressive type psychosis
Psychogenic depressive psychosis
Psychotic reactive depression
Reactive depressive psychosis
Excludes: manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
neurotic depression (300.4)
reactive depression NOS (300.4)
298.1    Excitative type psychosis
Acute hysterical psychosis
Psychogenic excitation
Reactive excitation
Excludes: manic-depressive psychosis, manic type (296.0-296.1)
298.2    Reactive confusion
Psychogenic confusion
Psychogenic twilight state
Excludes: acute confusional state (293.0)
298.3    Acute paranoid reaction
Acute psychogenic paranoid psychosis
Bouffée délirante
Excludes: paranoid states (297.0-297.9)
298.4    Psychogenic paranoid psychosis
Protracted reactive paranoid psychosis
298.8    Other and unspecified reactive psychosis
Brief psychotic disorder
Brief reactive psychosis NOS
Hysterical psychosis
Psychogenic psychosis NOS
Psychogenic stupor
Excludes: acute hysterical psychosis (298.1)
298.9    Unspecified psychosis
Atypical psychosis
Psychosis NOS
Psychotic disorder NOS
299       Pervasive developmental disorders
Excludes:    adult type psychoses occurring in childhood, as:
affective disorders (296.0-296.9)
manic-depressive disorders (296.0-296.9)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 299:
0 current or active state
1 residual state
299.0    Autistic disorder
Childhood autism
Infantile psychosis
Kanner's syndrome
Excludes: disintegrative psychosis (299.1)
Heller's syndrome (299.1)
schizophrenic syndrome of childhood (299.9)
299.1    Childhood disintegrative disorder
Heller's syndrome
Use additional code to identify any associated neurological disorder
Excludes: infantile autism (299.0)
schizophrenic syndrome of childhood (299.9)
299.8    Other specified pervasive developmental disorders
Asperger's disorder
Atypical childhood psychosis
Borderline psychosis of childhood
Excludes: simple stereotypes without psychotic disturbance (307.3)
299.9    Unspecified pervasive developmental disorder
Child psychosis NOS
Pervasive developmental disorder NOS
Schizophrenia, childhood type NOS
Schizophrenic syndrome of childhood NOS
Excludes: schizophrenia of adult type occurring in childhood (295.0-295.9)

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