Excludes: anxiety in:
acute stress reaction (308.0)
transient adjustment reaction (309.24)
neurasthenia (300.5)
psychophysiological disorders (306.0-306.9)
separation anxiety (309.21)
state (neurotic)
Atypical anxiety disorder
Excludes: panic disorder with agoraphobia (300.21)
Excludes: adjustment reaction (309.0-309.9)
anorexia nervosa (307.1)
gross stress reaction (308.0-308.9)
hysterical personality (301.50-301.59)
psychophysiologic disorders (306.0-306.9)
Astasia-abasia, hysterical
Conversion hysteria or reaction
Hysterical amnesia
Hysterical fugue
Compensation neurosis
Ganser's syndrome, hysterical
Factitious disorder (with combined psychological and physical signs and symptoms) (with predominantly physical signs and symptoms) NOS
Excludes: multiple operations or hospital addiction syndrome (301.51)
Excludes: anxiety state not associated with a specific situation or object (300.00-300.09)
obsessional phobias (300.3)
Anxiety-hysteria NOS
Phobia NOS
Fear of:
open spaces with panic attacks
streets with panic attacks
travel with panic attacks
Panic disorder with agoraphobia
Excludes: agoraphobia without panic disorder (300.22)
panic disorder without agoraphobia (300.01)
Any condition classifiable to 300.21 without mention of panic attacks
Fear of:
eating in public
public speaking
washing in public
Animal phobias
Fear of crowds
Anancastic neurosis
Compulsive neurosis
Obsessional phobia [any]
Excludes: obsessive-compulsive symptoms occurring in:
endogenous depression (296.2-296.3)
organic states (e.g., encephalitis) schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
Anxiety depression
Depression with anxiety
Depressive reaction
Neurotic depressive state
Reactive depression
Excludes: adjustment reaction with depressive symptoms (309.0-309.1)
depression NOS (311)
manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
reactive depressive psychosis (298.0)
Fatigue neurosis
Nervous debility
general fatigue
Use additional code to identify any associated physical disorder
Excludes: anxiety state (300.00-300.09)
neurotic depression (300.4)
psychophysiological disorders (306.0-306.9)
specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (310.0-310.9)
Derealization (neurotic)
Neurotic state with depersonalization episode
Excludes: depersonalization associated with:
anxiety (300.00-300.09)
depression (300.4)
manic-depressive disorder or psychosis (296.0-296.9)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
Body dysmorphic disorder
Excludes: hypochondriasis in:
hysteria (300.10-300.19)
manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
neurasthenia (300.5)
obsessional disorder (300.3)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
Briquet's disorder
Severe somatoform disorder
Atypical somatoform disorder
Somatoform disorder NOS
Occupational neurosis, including writers' cramp
Psychasthenic neurosis
Psychoneurosis NOS
Includes: character neurosis
Use additional code to identify any associated neurosis or psychosis, or physical condition
Excludes: nonpsychotic personality disorder associated with organic brain syndromes (310.0-310.9)
Fanatic personality
Paranoid personality (disorder)
Paranoid traits
Excludes: acute paranoid reaction (298.3)
alcoholic paranoia (291.5)
paranoid schizophrenia (295.3)
paranoid states (297.0-297.9)
Excludes: affective psychotic disorders (296.0-296.9)
neurasthenia (300.5)
neurotic depression (300.4)
Chronic hypomanic disorder
Hypomanic personality
Chronic depressive disorder
Depressive character or personality
Cycloid personality
Cyclothymic personality
Excludes: schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
Emotional instability (excessive)
Pathological emotionality
Excludes: dyssocial personality (301.7)
hysterical neurosis (300.10-300.19)
Anancastic personality
Obsessional personality
Excludes: obsessive-compulsive disorder (300.3)
phobic state (300.20-300.29)
Excludes: hysterical neurosis (300.10-300.19)
Hysterical personality NOS
Hospital addiction syndrome
Multiple operations syndrome
Munchausen syndrome
emotionally unstable
Asthenic personality
Inadequate personality
Passive personality
Excludes: neurasthenia (300.5)
passive-aggressive personality (301.84)
Amoral personality
Asocial personality
Dyssocial personality
Personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestation
Excludes: disturbance of conduct without specifiable personality disorder (312.0-312.9)
explosive personality (301.3)
"haltlose" type
Excludes: psychoinfantile personality (301.59)
Pathological personality NOS
Personality disorder NOS
constitutional state
personality (disorder)
Excludes: sexual disorder manifest in:
organic brain syndrome (290.0-294.9, 310.0-310.9)
psychosis (295.0-298.9)
Ego-dystonic lesbianism
Sexual orientation conflict disorder
Excludes: homosexual pedophilia (302.2)
Excludes: trans-sexualism (302.5)
Sex reassignment surgery status
Excludes: transvestism (302.3)
Feminism in boys
Gender identity disorder NOS
Excludes: gender identity disorder in adult (302.85)
trans-sexualism (302.50-302.53)
transvestism (302.3)
Excludes: decreased sexual desire NOS (799.81)
impotence of organic origin (607.84)
normal transient symptoms from ruptured hymen
transient or occasional failures of erection due to fatigue, anxiety, alcohol, or drugs
Sexual dysfunction NOS
Excludes: decreased sexual desire NOS (799.81)
Female sexual arousal disorder
Male erectile disorder
Sexual aversion disorder
Use additional code to identify sex reassignment surgery status (302.5)
Excludes: gender identity disorder NOS (302.6)
gender identity disorder in children (302.6)
Paraphilia NOS
Pathologic sexuality NOS
Sexual deviation NOS
Sexual disorder NOS
Use additional code to identify any associated condition, as:
alcoholic psychoses (291.0-291.9)
drug dependence (304.0-304.9)
physical complications of alcohol, such as:
cerebral degeneration (331.7)
cirrhosis of liver (571.2)
epilepsy (345.0-345.9)
gastritis (535.3)
hepatitis (571.1)
liver damage NOS (571.3)
Excludes: drunkenness NOS (305.0)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 303:
0 unspecified
1 continuous
2 episodic
3 in remission
Acute drunkenness in alcoholism
Chronic alcoholism
Excludes: nondependent abuse of drugs (305.1-305.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 304:
0 unspecified
1 continuous
2 episodic
3 in remission
Opium alkaloids and their derivatives
Synthetics with morphine-like effects
Nonbarbiturate sedatives and tranquilizers with a similar effect:
Coca leaves and derivatives
Dimethyltryptamine [DMT]
Lysergic acid diethylamide [LSD] and derivatives
Absinthe addiction
Glue sniffing
Inhalant dependence
Phencyclidine dependence
Excludes: tobacco dependence (305.1)
Drug addiction NOS
Drug dependence NOS
Note: Includes cases where a person, for whom no other diagnosis is possible, has come under medical care because of the maladaptive effect of a drug on which he is not dependent and that he has taken on his own initiative to the detriment of his health or social functioning.
Excludes: alcohol dependence syndrome (303.0-303.9)
drug dependence (304.0-304.9)
drug withdrawal syndrome (292.0)
poisoning by drugs or medicinal substances (960.0-979.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with codes 305.0, 305.2-305.9
0 unspecified
1 continuous
2 episodic
3 in remission
Drunkenness NOS
Excessive drinking of alcohol NOS
"Hangover" (alcohol)
Inebriety NOS
Excludes: acute alcohol intoxication in alcoholism (303.0)
alcoholic psychoses (291.0-291.9)
Tobacco dependence
Excludes: history of tobacco use (V15.82)
smoking complicating pregnancy (649.0)
tobacco use disorder complicating pregnancy (649.0)
Acute intoxication from hallucinogens ["bad trips"]
LSD reaction
Caffeine intoxication
Inhalant abuse
"Laxative habit"
Misuse of drugs NOS
Nonprescribed use of drugs or patent medicinals
Phencyclidine abuse
Includes: psychogenic:
physical symptoms not involving tissue damage
physiological manifestations not involving tissue damage
Excludes: hysteria (300.11-300.19)
physical symptoms secondary to a psychiatric disorder classified elsewhere
psychic factors associated with physical conditions involving tissue damage classified elsewhere (316)
specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (310.0-310.9)
Psychogenic paralysis
Psychogenic torticollis
Excludes: Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (307.23)
paralysis as hysterical or conversion reaction (300.11)
tics (307.20-307.22)
air hunger
Excludes: psychogenic asthma (316 and 493.9)
Cardiac neurosis
Cardiovascular neurosis
Neurocirculatory asthenia
Psychogenic cardiovascular disorder
Excludes: psychogenic paroxysmal tachycardia (316 and 427.2)
Psychogenic pruritus
Excludes: psychogenic:
alopecia (316 and 704.00)
dermatitis (316 and 692.9)
eczema (316 and 691.8 or 692.9)
urticaria (316 and 708.0-708.9)
Cyclical vomiting, psychogenic
Diarrhea, psychogenic
Nervous gastritis
Psychogenic dyspepsia
Excludes: cyclical vomiting NOS (536.2)
associated with migraine (346.2)
globus hystericus (300.11)
mucous colitis (316 and 564.9)
cardiospasm (316 and 530.0)
duodenal ulcer (316 and 532.0-532.9)
gastric ulcer (316 and 531.0-531.9)
peptic ulcer NOS (316 and 533.0-533.9)
vomiting NOS (307.54)
Excludes: enuresis, psychogenic (307.6)
frigidity (302.72)
impotence (302.72)
psychogenic dyspareunia (302.76)
Functional vaginismus
Excludes: hysterical blindness or deafness (300.11)
psychophysical visual disturbances (368.16)
Teeth grinding
Psychophysiologic disorder NOS
Psychosomatic disorder NOS
Note: This category is intended for use if the psychopathology is manifested by a single specific symptom or group of symptoms which is not part of an organic illness or other mental disorder classifiable elsewhere.
Excludes: those due to mental disorders classified elsewhere
those of organic origin
Excludes: childhood onset fluency disorder (315.35)
dysphasia (784.59)
fluency disorder due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident (438.14)
fluency disorder in conditions classified elsewhere (784.52)
lisping or lalling (307.9)
retarded development of speech (315.31-315.39)
Excludes: eating disturbance NOS (307.50)
feeding problem (783.3)
of nonorganic origin (307.59)
loss of appetite (783.0)
of nonorganic origin (307.59)
Excludes: nail-biting or thumb-sucking (307.9)
stereotypes occurring in isolation (307.3)
tics of organic origin (333.3)
Tic disorder NOS
Motor-verbal tic disorder
Head banging
Spasmus nutans
Stereotypes NOS
Excludes: tics (307.20-307.23)
of organic origin (333.3)
Excludes: narcolepsy (347.00-347.11)
organic hypersomnia (327.10-327.19)
organic insomnia (327.00-327.09)
those of unspecified cause (780.50-780.59)
Adjustment insomnia
Hyposomnia associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
Insomnia associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
Sleeplessness associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
Hyposomnia, insomnia, or sleeplessness associated with:
conditioned arousal
depression (major) (minor)
Idiopathic insomnia
Paradoxical insomnia
Primary insomnia
Psychophysiological insomnia
Hypersomnia associated with acute or intermittent emotional reactions or conflicts
Hypersomnia associated with depression (major) (minor)
Insufficient sleep syndrome
Primary hypersomnia
Excludes: sleep deprivation (V69.4)
Night terror disorder
Night terrors
Sleep terror disorder
Nightmare disorder
REM-sleep type
Sleep drunkenness
Repetitive intrusion of sleep with:
atypical polysomnographic features
environmental disturbances
repeated REM-sleep interruptions
Subjective insomnia complaint
Excludes: anorexia:
nervosa (307.1)
of unspecified cause (783.0)
overeating, of unspecified cause (783.6)
NOS (787.03)
cyclical (536.2)
associated with migraine (346.2)
psychogenic (306.4)
Eating disorder NOS
Overeating of nonorganic origin
Perverted appetite of nonorganic origin
Regurgitation, of nonorganic origin, of food with reswallowing
Excludes: obsessional rumination (300.3)
Feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood of nonorganic origin
Infantile feeding disturbances of nonorganic origin
Loss of appetite of nonorganic origin
Enuresis (primary) (secondary) of nonorganic origin
Excludes: enuresis of unspecified cause (788.3)
Encopresis (continuous) (discontinuous) of nonorganic origin
Excludes: encopresis of unspecified cause (787.60-787.63)
Excludes: headache:
NOS (784.0)
migraine (346.0-346.9)
syndromes (339.00-339.89)
tension type (339.10-339.12)
Code first to type or site of pain
Excludes: pain disorder exclusively attributed to psychological factors (307.80)
psychogenic pain (307.80)
Communication disorder NOS
Hair plucking
Includes: catastrophic stress
combat and operational stress reaction
combat fatigue
gross stress reaction (acute)
transient disorders in response to exceptional physical or mental stress which usually subside within hours or days
Excludes: adjustment reaction or disorder (309.0-309.9)
chronic stress reaction (309.1-309.9)
Anxiety as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Emotional crisis as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Panic state as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Fugues as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Agitation states as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Stupor as acute reaction to exceptional [gross] stress
Acute situational disturbance
Acute stress disorder
Excludes: prolonged posttraumatic emotional disturbance (309.81)
Includes: adjustment disorders
reaction (adjustment) to chronic stress
Excludes: acute reaction to major stress (308.0-308.9)
neurotic disorders (300.0-300.9)
Grief reaction
Excludes: affective psychoses (296.0-296.9)
neurotic depression (300.4)
prolonged depressive reaction (309.1)
psychogenic depressive psychosis (298.0)
Excludes: affective psychoses (296.0-296.9)
brief depressive reaction (309.0)
neurotic depression (300.4)
psychogenic depressive psychosis (298.0)
Adjustment reaction with anxiety and depression
Culture shock
Conduct disturbance as adjustment reaction
Destructiveness as adjustment reaction
Excludes: destructiveness in child (312.9)
disturbance of conduct NOS (312.9)
dyssocial behavior without manifest psychiatric disorder (V71.01-V71.02)
personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestations (301.7)
Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
Concentration camp syndrome
Posttraumatic stress disorder NOS
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Excludes: acute stress disorder (308.3)
posttraumatic brain syndrome:
nonpsychotic (310.2)
psychotic (293.0-293.9)
Elective mutism as adjustment reaction
Hospitalism (in children) NOS
Adaptation reaction NOS
Adjustment reaction NOS
Excludes: neuroses, personality disorders, or other nonpsychotic conditions occurring in a form similar to that seen with functional disorders but in association with a physical condition (300.0-300.9, 301.0-301.9)
Lobotomy syndrome
Postleucotomy syndrome [state]
Excludes: postcontusion syndrome (310.2)
Cognitive or personality change of other type, of nonpsychotic severity
Organic psychosyndrome of nonpsychotic severity
Presbyophrenia NOS
Senility with mental changes of nonpsychotic severity
Excludes: mild cognitive impairment (331.83)
postconcussion syndrome (310.2)
signs and symptoms involving emotional state (799.21-799.29)
Postcontusion syndrome or encephalopathy
Posttraumatic brain syndrome, nonpsychotic
Status postcommotio cerebri
Use additional code to identify associated post-traumatic headache, if applicable (339.20-339.22)
Excludes: any organic psychotic conditions following head injury (293.0-294.0)
frontal lobe syndrome (310.0)
postencephalitic syndrome (310.89)
Involuntary emotional expression disorder
Code first underlying cause, if known, such as:
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (335.20)
late effect of cerebrovascular accident (438.89)
late effect of traumatic brain injury (907.0)
multiple sclerosis (340)
Mild memory disturbance
Other focal (partial) organic psychosyndromes
Postencephalitic syndrome
Excludes: memory loss of unknown cause (780.93)
Depressive disorder NOS
Depressive state NOS
Depression NOS
Excludes: acute reaction to major stress with depressive symptoms (308.0)
affective personality disorder (301.10-301.13)
affective psychoses (296.0-296.9)
brief depressive reaction (309.0)
depressive states associated with stressful events (309.0-309.1)
disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence, with misery and unhappiness (313.1)
mixed adjustment reaction with depressive symptoms (309.4)
neurotic depression (300.4)
prolonged depressive adjustment reaction (309.1)
psychogenic depressive psychosis (298.0)
Excludes: adjustment reaction with disturbance of conduct (309.3)
drug dependence (304.0-304.9)
dyssocial behavior without manifest psychiatric disorder (V71.01-V71.02)
personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestations (301.7)
sexual deviations (302.0-302.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 312.0-312.2:
0 unspecified
1 mild
2 moderate
3 severe
Aggressive outburst
Anger reaction
Unsocialized aggressive disorder
Childhood truancy, unsocialized
Solitary stealing
Childhood truancy, socialized
Group delinquency
Excludes: gang activity without manifest psychiatric disorder (V71.01)
Neurotic delinquency
Excludes: compulsive conduct disorder (312.3)
Conduct disorder of unspecified onset
Delinquency (juvenile)
Disruptive behavior disorder NOS
Excludes: adjustment reaction (309.0-309.9)
emotional disorder of neurotic type (300.0-300.9)
masturbation, nail-biting, thumb-sucking, and other isolated symptoms (307.0-307.9)
Anxiety and fearfulness of childhood and adolescence
Overanxious disorder of childhood and adolescence
Excludes: abnormal separation anxiety (309.21)
anxiety states (300.00-300.09)
hospitalism in children (309.83)
phobic state (300.20-300.29)
Excludes: depressive neurosis (300.4)
Excludes: infantile autism (299.0)
schizoid personality (301.20-301.22)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9)
Sensitivity reaction of childhood or adolescence
Social withdrawal of childhood or adolescence
Withdrawal reaction of childhood or adolescence
Excludes: elective mutism as adjustment reaction (309.83)
Sibling jealousy
Excludes: relationship problems associated with aggression, destruction, or other forms of conduct disturbance (312.0-312.9)
Identity problem
Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
Mental disorder of infancy, childhood or adolescence NOS
Excludes: hyperkinesis as symptom of underlying disorder - code the underlying disorder
Predominantly inattentive type
Combined type
Overactivity NOS
Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type
Simple disturbance of attention with overactivity
Developmental disorder of hyperkinesis
Use additional code to identify any associated neurological disorder
Hyperkinetic conduct disorder without developmental delay
Excludes: hyperkinesis with significant delays in specific skills (314.1)
Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood or adolescence NOS
Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS
Excludes: that due to a neurological disorder (320.0-389.9)
Specific spelling difficulty
Disorder of written expression
Excludes: specific arithmetical disorder (315.1)
specific reading disorder (315.00-315.09)
Developmental aphasia
Word deafness
Excludes: acquired aphasia (784.3)
elective mutism (309.83, 313.0, 313.23)
Central auditory processing disorder
Excludes: acquired auditory processing disorder (388.45)
Cluttering NOS
Stuttering NOS
Excludes: adult onset fluency disorder (307.0)
fluency disorder due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident (438.14)
fluency disorder in conditions classified elsewhere (784.52)
Developmental articulation disorder
Phonological disorder
Excludes: lisping and lalling (307.9)
Clumsiness syndrome
Dyspraxia syndrome
Specific motor development disorder
Developmental disorder NOS
Learning disorder NOS
Psychologic factors in physical conditions classified elsewhere
Use additional code to identify the associated physical condition, as:
asthma (493.9)
dermatitis (692.9)
duodenal ulcer (532.0-532.9)
eczema (691.8, 692.9)
gastric ulcer (531.0-531.9)
mucous colitis (564.9)
paroxysmal tachycardia (427.2)
ulcerative colitis (556)
urticaria (708.0-708.9)
psychosocial dwarfism (259.4)
Excludes: physical symptoms and physiological malfunctions, not involving tissue damage, of mental origin (306.0-306.9)
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